Change-A beginning of anything you want!
12 Aug 2019
If it wasn't for the winds of change, will we ever grow? Change is exciting, and change is new. Change is inevitable, and the path of the rite. Change brings in the promise of newness, an excitement of the unknown, a palette cleanser from what has been and the hype of what is to come. They say, 'nothing will change if we change nothing', and there is a lot of truth behind that. So why are we talking about change today? Because we, Digitalabs are on the brink of a huge change!
We, working under the umbrella of Digitalabs, have gone through a lot and have covered a lot of miles, with over ten years of experience, and ten years worth of wildly varying clientele, celebrated moments, sticky situations, blunders and wins. With 150+ years of cumulative experience and, 200000 operation hours and over 40000 content stories, 6100 excellent page rankings and approximate reach of 300 million, we have grown in the last ten years exponentially. However, the winds of change are onto us again, and we need some shaking up-so here we are!
We are evolving into something better, changing our brand aesthetics for it to make room for new changes. With a spanking new website and a new look and feel acting as a breath of fresh air, our change does not stop here. We are passionate about keeping pace with the fast evolving new-age masses and intend to take in any technological advancement in our stride. This is not just a change of look, but this is a change of intent, preparation for good things to come, and a promise of innovation and excellence.
With this revamp, Digitalabs will still be the same in its core values-just better and renewed! We are moulding ourselves to be best suited to meet your needs. We are excited for what is to come. Are you? For friends old, who have been a part of our colourful journey, and friends new, who have just joined our journey recently, we coax you to be a part of this glorious change! Check us out here!